Appliance Scratch and Dent Outlet

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Canada Maple Leaf - Proud To Be Canadian
Call The Appliance Scratch and Dent Outlet   Canada Maple Leaf - Proud To Be Canadian

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FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

We are located in the city of Kitchener, Ontario, Canada. You can easily get to our store if you live in South Western Ontario or Central Ontario. Drive times (indicated below) are approximate. Please note, weather and/or traffic may influence the time it takes for you to reach us.

  • 25 minute drive from Cambridge, Ontario
  • 30 minute drive from Guelph, Ontario
  • 35 minute drive from Milton, Ontario
  • 40 minute drive from Woodstock, Ontario
  • 45 minute drive from Burlington, Ontario
  • 55 minute drive from Hamilton, Ontario
  • 1 hour drive from London, Ontario
  • 1¼ hour drive from Toronto, Ontario
Appliance Store Information

A printable map and store hours is available on our [ Location ] page.

Sorry, we do not quote prices over the internet. Please visit the store, a salesperson will be happy to assist you.

We do not offer an online catalog. The purpose of this web site is to provide our visitors with basic insight. We tell you who we are, what we do, what the various products and services are, where we are located, and how to get in touch with us.

Please visit us in person at the store or call:   (519) 749-9992.

Yes, however, delivery costs may vary depending on where you live in Ontario. Be aware, we do not ship single ordered items beyond 100km from Kitchener-Waterloo.

appliance delivery Kitchener - Waterloo (local area) .. Delivery: $80.00 / most additional items $20 each

appliance delivery Ayr, Cambridge, Elmira, Maryhill, Petersburg, St Agatha .. Delivery: $90.00

appliance delivery Baden, Elora, Fergus, Guelph, Milverton, New Hamburg .. Delivery: $100.00

appliance delivery Brantford, Drayton, Paris, Stratford, Tavistock, Woodstock .. Delivery: $110.00

Please call or visit the store for specific details..

Yes, if it is reasonable to do so. However, we do ask that "passage ways" be clear.

Yes, there is a $25 to $45 disposal fee per item, depending on the weight or physical size of the appliance. Please call or visit the store for details ..

Yes of course. However, we suggest you come prepared.

It is recommended that you have the appropriate vehicle for the item you are transporting. An example would be a trailer or pick-up truck if you are moving a fridge, heavy stove or front load washing machine etc.. Trailer for loading appliances

For smaller or more lightweight items, such as dishwashers, small chest freezers, some dryers etc.. you may find a "mini van" works fine. ---- It is also highly recommended that you bring tie ropes with you for safety, as well as the appropriate man power for lifting and unloading.

We sometimes have cardboard available for packing, however, be aware we do not supply lift carts, dolly's or blankets.

Appliances sold by S&D are functionally guaranteed for 30 Days in Waterloo region.

We provide our own service for our customers with "our own factory trained service technicians". Our service region includes the cities of Kitchener, Waterloo, as well as Cambridge, Guelph and some surrounding communities. Extended Warranty is also available where service can be obtained nationwide.

Our service dept. can be reached at:   (519) 743-3623

If you have purchased an extended warranty, service is available anywhere in the province. However, if you did not purchase an extended warranty on your appliance, those appliances located outside of Kitchener-Waterloo, must be returned to the Appliance Scratch and Dent outlet service department (in Kitchener).

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Kitchener Waterloo Ontario Canada

Appliance Scratch and Dent Outlet Store Hours

the Appliance Scratch and Dent Super Store saves BIG Money!